Sunday, January 30, 2005

JOKES for kids, part 5

jokes for kids 5

41. What do you call a crate of ducks?
A box of quackers

42.Why did the farmer feed money to his cow?
Because he wanted to get rich milk

43.Why did the nurse tip-toe past the medicine cabinet?
Because she didn't want to wake the sleeping pills

44.My sister went on a crash diet.
Is that why she looks a wreck?

45.Why was your brother fired from his elevator job?
Because he couldn't remember the route

46.Why did the boy take his bicycle to bed?
Because he didn't want to walk in his sleep

47.I got a gold watch for my girlfriend.
I wish I could make a trade like that

48.What did the monster say to his girlfriend?
Hello, gore-juice

49.Why did the boy take an asprin after hearing the werewolf howl?
Because it gave him an eerie ache

50.A little boy came running into the kitchen.
´Dad, Dad,´ he said, ´there's a monster at the door with a really ugly face.´
´Tell him you've already got one,´ said his father!

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